Wednesday, September 4th from 9am-1pm in Griswold, CT

Building The

Ultimate Holiday Marketing Plan

for Retailers

Discover the secrets to making your brand stand out among both local competitors and online giants to make this holiday season your most profitable one!

What You'll Learn During This Half-Day Workshop:

How to Leverage Social Media

Discover what you can start doing NOW to be in a prime position for Holiday Shopping promotions.

Ways to Level Up the Shopping Experience

Learn how to compete with online giants with different types of gift options and increased convenience options.

Create a Plan to Attract the Most Sales

You'll create a complete plan for your holiday marketing, including in-store and online promotions.

Sign Up Today & Save!

Don't wait until the holiday season comes to think about your marketing.

NOW is the time to create your best season ever!

Sign Up Today to Get the Early Bird Price of only $37!

What You'll Get at the Workshop?

A full plan to promote your store leading up to, and during the holiday shopping season.

Tips on how to take the best product images for sharing on social media.

Easy ways to collaborate with complementary businesses in your area.

Register Today for Building the Ultimate Holiday Marketing Plan for Retailers!

Wednesday, September 4th from 9am to 1pm at the Comfort Inn in Griswold, CT

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